Saturday, August 23, 2008

Base Rate 5% , Credit Card Rates 16% , You Go Figure Who Is Having Hard Time Of It

Category: Finance, Credit.

tis the Season to be jolly, with a Hey Nonny no and much slapping of the thighs etc and all that humbug. OK so they are having hard time of it at the moment.

I know this makes me sound like a cross between Charles Dickens Scrooge and a grumpy old man but I have just finished wading through a whole raft of sales promotion material from a series of Credit Card Companies and it really does beggar belief at times. No everything is relative, being unemployed and homeless is having a hard time, a downturn in the profitability of the Credit Card Companies is long overdue. Basically the issue boils down to the fact that they are really now paranoid about the whole issue of Identity Theft and the knock on effect it will have on our welfare. All of the false bonhomie and good cheer of the leaflets got me to thinking that they are really being disingenuous at best and two faced at worst. Not too sure about this. This got me to thinking about real ways to look after your Plastic this Christmas and ways to ensure how they really work for you and not someone else.

Yes Identity theft is not good and we could all do without being infected by this the latest in growth industries but what the Credit Card Companies are really worried about is being caught holding the baby so to speak and having the cough up the money when we realise how we have been ripped off and it was not us that used the card in the first place, it was a representative from the local underworld trying to purchase a present online for Mum for Christmas! First of all check on the fine print of your statements to ensure that small charges or worse, large charges are not able to be slipped in without you noticing in lieu of increased membership fees etc. These happy chaps will rob you blind as soon as look at you if you withdraw cash using your Credit Cards. Secondly, unless you find yourself totally cash strapped and without any other means of funding the next few hours till the local Bank opens or you get home then do not ever use your Credit Card to withdraw cash. Sky High interest rates here we come but you can also forfeit interest free periods and also suffer punitive withdrawal fees as well. With Base rates rising, the Card suppliers are going to try and push their minimum APR to the region around 16% as soon as they think they can get away with it. Thirdly, shop around for the best rates possible as these boys are going to be bringing in even more ridiculous rates soon mark my word.

Their excuse? Well nice work if you can get it. Well Central Bank rates are rising and here in the UK the base rate has just risen to 5% so they feel they have to respond. Base Rate 5% , Credit Card Rates 16% , you go figure who is having hard time of it?


Station- Specific Gas Credit Cards Are Essentially Tailored To One Specific Brand Of Gas Station - Jessie Cornforth's Finance and Credit blog:

With gas prices hovering at record highs- and with no telling when they ll drop or even shoot up higher- most people would be hard pressed to find themselves rejecting a little bit of help on paying the price at the pumps. At first glance, these cards seem like a huge blessing- after all, who wouldn t want to save a few cents?

Most Often, Credit Card Companies Offer These For Free - Finance and Credit Blog:

Credit cards have made it a lot easier to shop anywhere that we like these days.

Adjusted Balance - Finance and Credit Blog:

When calculating the true cost of your credit card, the most important factor to consider is the Annual Percentage Rate( APR) . To determine your monthly interest rate, the APR is divided into a periodic rate, usually daily.

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