Saturday, August 30, 2008

Debt Consolidation Management Programs Are Available Under Various Categories

Category: Finance, Credit.

With the easy accessibility of countless loans and credit cards, people often forget their chances of creating debts.

Moreover, lack of information and prevalence of hidden charges and variable interest rate are few of the other major aspects that facilitate the increment of debts. In fact, everybody is seeking, nowadays some loan assistance or the other without paying any attention to the rate of interest and repayment scheduling. As a matter of fact, a very recent research in the financial industry has proven the fact that almost sixty percent of the total population of the United Kingdom, is surviving under the torturous burden of debts. It is a well established fact that getting rid of debts without a well managed plan is next to impossible. Therefore, now every finance company is making serious efforts to share this burden of escalating debts through the provision of efficient debt consolidation management services. Hence, every human being who is stricken by the harsh consequences of huge debts are seeking this kind of assistance, so that he can clear all of his debts pending with various lenders without making any compromises with the mandatory expenses. However, in some special cases that are highly complicated and have huge debt amount, the financial planners may demand for a reasonable charge.

Most of the financial companies are offering numerous debt consolidation managements services at absolutely free of cost. One should conduct a planned research before taking and debt consolidation management facility, so that the most suitable and profitable deal can be selected. Carefully read the information available on the Internet as they may not be as enticing as they appear. This research can be executed either by the gather information through friends or colleagues or by the wise utilization of Internet. Hence, confirm about all the displayed services on personal level. These loans are offered good amount of money at decent and affordable rate of interest. If your debt amount is excessively high and is secured with numerous complicated lenders then you can even opt for the debt consolidation management loans.

Moreover, with this loan scheme, instead of paying payback installment to numerous lenders, you can enjoy the facility of making repayment to only one lender. These loans can be obtained as both unsecured secured forms. The financial executives of your preferred company hold direct discussions with the lenders to gain the facilities of low rate of interest, repayment extension and other such redemptions. Mostly, people opt for the unsecured form of the loan, as their property is mostly already submitted with other lenders. As for instant, some are specifically designed for students, tenants or unemployed borrowers. Debt consolidation management programs are available under various categories.

Therefore, with this great variation, it is not much of a hassle to opt for one that suits your requirements. Hence, if you are also dealing through a stressful life of debts, all you have to do is to dial a number of a reliable debt management company and fix an appointment for your debt consolidation management planning and counseling.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some Think That It Is Likely Impossible To Manage Their Own Debts

Category: Finance, Credit.

As for others, managing their debts is one of the hardest tasks that they can do.

But hold on and relax, because this article will help you to manage your own debt. Some think that it is likely impossible to manage their own debts. Something that seems impossible before will now be possible. Putting these things into practice can make your debit free. Everything is a matter of self control, being organize and knowing how to use your budget wisely. It is significant to keep track of your debts and contact all your creditors so that they would be aware that you want to settle your account as soon as possible.

In addition to that, if you are not that confident that you can do the monthly payment, let them know so they can design an agreement that will suit your needs. Doing so, your creditors can decrease your interest rates. One of the best options for you is Debt Consolidation. If you own a home, you can consider applying for a home equity loan or putting a second mortgage to your house. This could help you manage your debts and eliminate it in a short period of time. You might think that this is extreme but if you have numerous high interest credit cards, or loans, bills, in realism, you are paying additional for these materials than they were valued when you bought them.

Most loans requires your real estate as collateral and if you fail to make a payment you ll be in risk of losing your home. This is the negative side of equity loans though. Another way to arrange your debts is to make large monthly payments on your credit cards. Paying larger will be eventually lower your interest smaller until you are done with paying the bills. This is because if you pay less, larger amount of interest will be place. If you add just a few extra dollars to your payment each month, it will increasingly condense the number of payments of all of the loans and credit cards you have increase. You may also consider Credit counseling.

While you lesser the amount of payments that are made, this also decreases the balance a person will eventually end up paying in charges, and fees, interests. This is the process that will give you a service to assist you in determining a reliable form of action to help you mange and eliminate your debts. As for this, you must know what you can only pay. These organizations offer an ample variety of programs such as, guidance on debt management, and have workshops that are stanch to things like, managing money and budgeting. but more than anything else, the most powerful tool or solution to manage your debts is budgeting. So, get a debt that you can pay. Have a careful research and thinking before getting a debt.

Make a listing of the things that you need and prioritize the most important ones. Know your budget well and you ll be able to have manageable debts. To know more about debt counseling and How to manage your debts, visit this site.


S. Would Immediately Understand Your Business Model - Wilda Shunk's Finance and Credit blog:

If your small business were a grocery store or automotive mechanic shop, most every lender in the U.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Interest Rates And Amounts

Category: Finance, Credit.

At the time of researching your student loan consolidation information options you need to consider what interest rates are now and what they may likely be in the future, it was only a few years ago interest rates on Stafford loans and other programs changed from fixed rate to variable interest rate then as of July 1, 2006 they changed back to fixed rate again, however they can always alter again, what the Government does today it is able to undo tomorrow.

Interest Rates and Amounts. Additionally because lenders have a reasonable amount of flexibility, even official rates are often altered in subtle ways, some lenders for example charge the Federally set up origination fee of 3% and the default insurance rate of 1% others are more enthusiastic to absorb these penalties to obtain your business, as a rough rule of thumb for every 3% in charges it is equivalent to almost 1% in interest rate. Though the interest rate shifts can be modest, for example PLUS loans have increased from 1% to 5% , on say even a low loan amount of$ 16, 0000 borrowed a 4% rate difference equals almost a$ 4000 difference in interest fees in the first year alone, for the exact amounts per month you are able to run a few sample scenarios using a loan calculator, such as those available free on- line at many websites. Follow The Industry Leaders. Also there are no guarantees that rates can not alter since they are the same as variable rate house loans, even after the loans have been funded, predicting interest rates both in the short term and long term is a function that challenges even the best financial experts, if it were otherwise the bond market would be a pretty dull affair which it is not, therefore the better option for the average student or parent is to watch and see what those experts are predicting. Among the easiest ways to follow those predictions is to review some of the various interest- bearing financial instruments, such as T- Accounts or long- term corporate bonds, by evaluating these numbers likely borrowers are able to obtain the best available guesses about where interest rates are headed, that information is without too much trouble gained from any finance website such as Yahoo Finance or some other personal favorite website. Corporate Bonds.

Looking at the 30- year Treasury account, for example shows two items what the government is offering to sell debt for a projected time out over 30 years and what the buyers of that debt are prepared to pay, as that interest rate varies a large proportion of other long- term rates such as student loan rates will vary also, though not always at the exact same amount. The same can be said for certain corporate bonds, for example has, Ford Motor Company been in financial problems for the previous few years and that fact is reflected in their bond rates and ratings, their quality ratings have dipped to near junk bond level and the rates are significantly higher than ordinary levels, several are over 10% coupon rate a full 5% above money market rates, for a large proportion of the considerable older blue chip corporations, their bond rates on long bonds over 10 years are a very good indicator. In any volatile market, the best scenario for most students and their parents is to acquire a private loan at a fixed interest rate, the better loans cost Prime Rate less 1% that is a very good outcome, but borrowers must have excellent credit to qualify, there is no perfect solution to financing the high cost of tuition and the high cost of borrowing for education today, however as with any cost shopping around to find out all the available options is the better bet for the long- term and must form a critical aspect of any student loan consolidation information. As rates increase it becomes more difficult for borrowers to pay off their loans, not only does that cost students and parents more money but it may also cause it to be harder to qualify since the higher numbers are factored into lending decisions, Stafford and most other loans are need- based so it is not a factor with them, but interest rates of one plan tends to influence others which are credit history based.


Have You Read The Latest Information On Bankruptcy - Gwendolyn Fortier's Finance and Credit blog:

Are you one of these people, or are you properly and prudently dealing with your daily, weekly and monthly outgoings? With the current downturn in the economic climate, precipitated by the issues with sub- prime mortgages, many more people are looking for information on bankruptcy.

These Are Just Some Of The Many Ways You Can Get Out Of Payday Cash Loan Debt - Finance and Credit Blog:

Today if you find yourself deep in payday cash loan debt you are just one in many thousands who are suffering right along with you. The loan fees may have seemed relatively cheap at the time because of your dire need for the cash.

We Called It Credit Card Debt Consolidation - Brooke Umana's Finance and Credit blog:

What is a Credit Card and Do you really need it? Credit card has never been more accessible around the globe than it is today.

Monday, August 25, 2008

FAQs On Credit Part 1

Category: Finance, Credit.

FAQs On credit Part 1. Incorrect items on your credit report will negatively impact your overall credit score which in turn will cost you thousands of dollars of interest when you get loans for your car or house.

Nowadays, with identity theft rampant and possibility of data entry errors it is a high probability that your credit report contains entries that do not belong to you. The better your credit score, the more favorable interest rates you will receive from the banks and lenders, which means direct savings to you. Why is my credit score so important? So credit. repair is a good option. Banks, lenders and credit card issuers use the credit score as a universal means of assessing your credit risk and credit worthiness. When your credit score is high, lenders are willing to issue loans to you at lower interest rates.

The credit score is calculated by the three major credit reporting bureaus( TransUnion, Experian and Equifax) , and is a reflection of several factors, including your past payment history, on time payment record, amount of loans you have, etc. And the lower. the interest rate, less money you will pay in interest on your loan. In addition, some people with excellent credit scores can even qualify for a no money down mortgages. On a big purchase like a car or a house, relatively small reductions in interest rate could mean thousands of dollars in savings to you. Why do- it myself? Hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees are lost each year by consumers choosing the wrong credit counseling company. Hiring a reputable credit counseling company to assist you to improve your credit report could cost you upwards of$ 1, 50However, there are many firms that make big claims but do nothing to help you.

For a substantial fee, these credit counseling companies claim the ability to repair your credit with a snap of a finger. The Federal Trade Commission( FTC) puts out a brochure titled, "Consumer Tips: Self Help May Be Best" . Unfortunately, many of these companies are a fraud or shaky reputation at best- they do nothing to improve your credit report and disappear with your money. In that article FTC strongly recommends that consumers not take the risk of hiring someone and save their money. They further suggest that consumers educate themselves with the repair process and take the responsibility of repairing their credit into their own hands.


What Do Most Credit Card Holders Look For In Their Credit Cards - Guadalupe Pauls's Finance and Credit blog:

What do most credit card holders look for in their credit cards?

Your Past Credit History Will Not Matter Anymore - Finance and Credit Articles:

When you apply for a loan or credit, the financial institution will first get your personal data and would need relevant background information on your financial status and credit history. This way, they would evaluate your ability to pay and how well you can keep up with your dues.

The Word Is Credit - Molly Mclaughlin's Finance and Credit blog:

Yes, approved! We have reduced the result of a credit transaction to the two previous statements.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

This Allows The Cardholder To Gain Goods Or Services From A Merchant

Category: Finance, Credit.

Magnetic Stripe- A magnetic stripe contained on a credit card processes transactions where the card is present. The magnetic stripe has magnetic and physical qualities as defined by standardization benchmarks including 7813, 7810 and 781 Mail Order Merchant- A merchant whom conducts business transaction where the credit card or debit card is not present.

This provides identifiable information that will allow the merchant to debit their customers account via the issuer. Mail Order Transaction- A credit card or debit card transaction that occurs where the credit card or debit card is not present. MasterCard are amongst the biggest credit card companies in the world. MasterCard- This is a trading name of the credit card company MasterCard International Inc. which has head offices in the USA however trades throughout the world. MasterCard Acquirer- This is a member that enters into a merchant contract with MasterCard. MasterCard Card- A credit card distributed directly or indirectly by MasterCard that has the MasterCard symbol on it.

This entity provides cash disbursement services to a MasterCard cardholder before placing the transaction into interchange either directly or indirectly. This allows the cardholder to gain goods or services from a merchant. Merchant- This is a company or business that has an agreement with merchant banks where by it can originate certain transactions. MasterCard Issuer- An entity that has privileges to issue MasterCard credit cards. Merchant Agreement- This is a contract, generally in the form of a written statement of obligations, which defines the terms under which the merchant bank and the merchant will trade, terms may include warranties, responsibilities, rights, and other terms that relate to how or whom shall do what in anticipated or potential consequences. Minimum Payment- The minimum amount of credit that you are obliged to clear from your credit card balance upon the receipt of a credit card statement.

Merchant Bank- This is a company that will enter into contracts with merchants to take deposits on their behalf in relation to credit card and debit card transactions. Online Merchant- A merchant whom conducts business transaction where the credit card or debit card is not present. Online Financial Transaction- See Online Transaction for summary. Online Transaction- A credit card or debit card transaction that occurs where the credit card or debit card is not present. Over Limit- This relates to when a card holder has passed their designated credit limit with a transaction. Note that this could be an increased percentage but is more likely to be a fixed fee.

Over Limit Fee- This is an obligation in the form of a fee that certain credit card holders may be required to pay when their account goes beyond their credit limit. PAN- See Primary Account Number for summary. Ensuring your password is unrelated to your circumstances or personal life, whilst also being a mixture of upper case letters, lower case letters and numbers is the best way to ensure ultimate safety for your online account. Password- This generally refers to a password for accessing account details and processing transaction via the internet, when the word password is used in the context of credit cards. It is also recommended that your password contains at least 8 digits.


Have You Heard Of Credit Monitoring - Krista Pullman's Finance and Credit blog:

Have you heard of credit monitoring? The service is quite straightforward.

For A Majority Of The Instances When Workers Are Negatively Used By Their Own Company Is Through The Medium Of Finances - Mable Hartson about Finance and Credit:

There are millions of workers in America that have gained employment from businesses that are owned by other business leaders, which basically means that these people work for other entrepreneurs that have started their own business.

You Probably Have A Credit Score Of Your Own - Coleen Scriven about Finance and Credit:

Whether you have a home business that you work alone or you have a larger company with several employees, a business credit card can be a valuable asset.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Base Rate 5% , Credit Card Rates 16% , You Go Figure Who Is Having Hard Time Of It

Category: Finance, Credit.

tis the Season to be jolly, with a Hey Nonny no and much slapping of the thighs etc and all that humbug. OK so they are having hard time of it at the moment.

I know this makes me sound like a cross between Charles Dickens Scrooge and a grumpy old man but I have just finished wading through a whole raft of sales promotion material from a series of Credit Card Companies and it really does beggar belief at times. No everything is relative, being unemployed and homeless is having a hard time, a downturn in the profitability of the Credit Card Companies is long overdue. Basically the issue boils down to the fact that they are really now paranoid about the whole issue of Identity Theft and the knock on effect it will have on our welfare. All of the false bonhomie and good cheer of the leaflets got me to thinking that they are really being disingenuous at best and two faced at worst. Not too sure about this. This got me to thinking about real ways to look after your Plastic this Christmas and ways to ensure how they really work for you and not someone else.

Yes Identity theft is not good and we could all do without being infected by this the latest in growth industries but what the Credit Card Companies are really worried about is being caught holding the baby so to speak and having the cough up the money when we realise how we have been ripped off and it was not us that used the card in the first place, it was a representative from the local underworld trying to purchase a present online for Mum for Christmas! First of all check on the fine print of your statements to ensure that small charges or worse, large charges are not able to be slipped in without you noticing in lieu of increased membership fees etc. These happy chaps will rob you blind as soon as look at you if you withdraw cash using your Credit Cards. Secondly, unless you find yourself totally cash strapped and without any other means of funding the next few hours till the local Bank opens or you get home then do not ever use your Credit Card to withdraw cash. Sky High interest rates here we come but you can also forfeit interest free periods and also suffer punitive withdrawal fees as well. With Base rates rising, the Card suppliers are going to try and push their minimum APR to the region around 16% as soon as they think they can get away with it. Thirdly, shop around for the best rates possible as these boys are going to be bringing in even more ridiculous rates soon mark my word.

Their excuse? Well nice work if you can get it. Well Central Bank rates are rising and here in the UK the base rate has just risen to 5% so they feel they have to respond. Base Rate 5% , Credit Card Rates 16% , you go figure who is having hard time of it?


Station- Specific Gas Credit Cards Are Essentially Tailored To One Specific Brand Of Gas Station - Jessie Cornforth's Finance and Credit blog:

With gas prices hovering at record highs- and with no telling when they ll drop or even shoot up higher- most people would be hard pressed to find themselves rejecting a little bit of help on paying the price at the pumps. At first glance, these cards seem like a huge blessing- after all, who wouldn t want to save a few cents?

Most Often, Credit Card Companies Offer These For Free - Finance and Credit Blog:

Credit cards have made it a lot easier to shop anywhere that we like these days.

Adjusted Balance - Finance and Credit Blog:

When calculating the true cost of your credit card, the most important factor to consider is the Annual Percentage Rate( APR) . To determine your monthly interest rate, the APR is divided into a periodic rate, usually daily.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Credit Report Formulated By Any Of These Bureaus Employs The Same Information

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit report is an important financial document which reflects your monetary practices, and facilitates a creditor to scan for ascertaining terms and conditions of loans.

Not being able to decipher this missing information may be detrimental to your financial well- being, and that is why most advisors suggest 3 in 1 credit report. 3- in 1 credit as is indicative refers to a financial record as presented by the 3 major credit bureaus. Viewing 1 credit report from any of the 3 reputed bureaus may alert you about your state of affairs but may leave out some scope of information. These 3 well- known bureaus can be accounted as Experian, and TransUnion, Equifax. However, it s the way of presentation that varies. The credit report formulated by any of these bureaus employs the same information. In this manner, 3 in 1 credit report could serve as an overview of your financial record as visible to others.

Scanning through this credit record facilitates the consumer to make comparisons, and even catch up with any missing information in any 1 of the 3 credit report. This sort of a credit report is beneficial for viewing 3 different versions of the same information. In short, it could benefit you to understand several aspects in a more comprehensive fashion. The shortage of time is the chief excuse that is employed for not availing things, but this online accessibility of credit report can up to an extent minimize the hassle to avail them. Emergence of the online credit report providers is on the ever increase, which has made accessibility to this important financial document even easier. The online providers usually require you to register by a step- by- step procedure which generally simple.

While choosing an appropriate credit reports online providers, authenticate it before embarking upon its services. After achieving this registration, the consumers are permitted these services by means of the login name and password. Check out the terms and conditions to avoid any complications later on. This approach is also beneficial in understanding the conditions that you would require to abide by for accessing the financial document.


Attitudes To The Credit Card Have Also Changed A Great Deal - Finance and Credit Blog:

These days, our credit cards allow us to buy whatever we want, whenever we want.

That Could Also Result In A Sudden Surge In The APR On Your Credit Card Debt - Finance and Credit Articles:

0 Intro APR credit cards are used by many people to avoid high interest rates on outstanding balances.

S Who Happen To Have Bad Credit - Finance and Credit:

Many people who dont know anything about credit have the feeling that the credit bureau is a government agency that works for Uncle Sam to ruin our lives but the real truth is that government agencies are just private companies that that have monopolized the credit industry. These three giants run the industry but there are more than 2000 smaller. credit bureaus.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

We Called It Credit Card Debt Consolidation

Category: Finance, Credit.

What is a Credit Card and Do you really need it? Credit card has never been more accessible around the globe than it is today.

Credit card have been with us for quite sometime and they are considered as one of the most recognized payment systems across all borders and are internationally accepted around the world. Credit cards are one of the most used modes of payment today, maximised all the sales potential, and thus decreasing loss of sales due to lack of payment options. Nowadays, Credit card machine is the tool for accepting credit cards. Credit card payments processed by American Express, Visa and Discover, Mastercard are subject to a" zero liability" policy- which means, that a guarantee that you will not be held responsible for any fraudulent charges. It has been known that, Credit cards can really help you build good credit if you use them wisely. This plastic card lets you charge a meal or pay for a travelling expenses on a credit card and you pay the bill at later convenient time. With the increase in usage internationally, Credit Card payments are made to be secured and all your details are highly encrypted.

Cardholders: Consumers( That s us) are the recipients of credit cards issued by a bank( Any Bank) . Credit cards grant the card holder, credit purchases within their credit limit. CARD VERIFICATION VALUE CODE( CVV) CVV is a new and reliable authentication procedure that was established by all major credit card companies to enhance their efforts towards reducing fraud during your internet transactions. Credit cards do carry interests on the outstanding balance and it may be carried month over a period of several months. Since credit card is a payment made at a later stage, there are tendency that we keep everything( payment) on hold till next month, next month and next month, without you knowing, where, your credit bills are rising and rising and we called it" Credit Card Debt" Credit card debt initially grows in 2 ways. Of course you should always remember to pay the debts on all the cards that you possessed in time. One is due to addition of a new debt on account of fresh spends on your credit card and the second is due to the addition of" Low interest" interest charges to the existing credit card debt.

We called it Credit Card Debt Consolidation. Once your credit card debt grows too much that you can t handle it, you will then need assistance for all these credit card debts. The process of credit card debt consolidation can be referred to as balance transfer process( you transfer the balance or debt from one credit card to another) . Credit card debt consolidation could also refer to a loan. When most people think of debt consolidation, they think of those companies with the commercials featuring people in desperate situations, worrying about how they are going to pay their credit card bills. The loan could be a personal loan, a home equity loan, or a loan specifically for credit card debt consolidation.

As from Today, the average family owes roughly$ 7, 000 on their credit cards. (According to Sources) There are thousands of newly established sites with advice on credit card debt consolidation. Many people view debt- consolidation loans as a way of helping them get out of debt, but are wary as consolidation loans simply combine debt. Every now and then you will notice some advertisement in your favourite Newspaper regarding Credit card Debt Consolidation. Moreover, there are numerous consultants, services and companies that provide professional advice on credit card debt consolidation. Likewise, TV channels host various discussions on credit card debt consolidation. These companies or consultant can provide you with the necessary assistant to get rid of your debts. Credit card is useful in many ways if we know how to use it properly and wisely.

They provide you with various offers and these credit card debt consolidation offers make the exercise of credit card debt consolidation even more logical and meaningful. Debt is not only by credit card itself, it s totally depends on the end user, like you and me. If we are bound to use it every now and then, please be reminded on some tips: Attention: Keep your cards in a very safe place at all times Do Report lost/ stolen cards immediately to the credit card companies( and to the police) . Prompt payment on monthly basis will help you maintain all those credits and spend accordingly to your needs. If you re travelling abroad, take note of your card company s lost and stolen number into your mobile. Who is responsible for making payments on an additional card( The Principal Cardholder) ?

Please also note that, as the principal cardholder, you are financially responsible for all payments made on the account. Checking your credit report at least once a year may help prevent identity theft and gives you a chance to make sure that all items and credit accounts listed in the report are accurate. As a result of increasing levels of identity theft, and identity theft related crimes, many companies are now offering new services to their clients to help protect them should such a thing occur. Most Internet users are also on- line shoppers who will pay by credit card and they are concerned about credit card online security and identity theft. One of the most effective and useful services being provided is Identity theft insurance. So, be alert when using your credit card or if not, why not use just plain old CASH. The most common methods used include identity theft, stolen credit card numbers, and credit card number generators.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

How Do You Use Credit Wisely

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit cards are a near necessity these days, and they re much too easily abused. How do you use credit wisely?

Wise use of them means that they ll make your life a little easier and you won t regret what you ve spent your money on. The first thing to remember is to be honest with yourself about how you re using it. Most important in being honest about where you are financially and especially with credit is to look at the numbers. If you re going overboard and using your credit cards to hide the truth from yourself it s all too easy to end up in a financial hole that s near impossible to get out of. Are you really where you think you are? There s something you forgot when you decided that things were going well. Too often the answer is no, you aren t.

But if things are going nicely, it s a great feeling to know that you were right about your situation. Even if you have the credit, do you really need to buy everything you think you want? The second thing to remember is to not go overboard. Saving and investing is often a much better plan for the long term than spending freely. When money is tight it s easy to dismiss running up the credit cards because of holidays and birthdays. The third thing to remember is to not make excuses for what you spend.

If you can t afford to spend the money, perhaps you should cut back. The fourth thing is to make sure you are getting the best possible rates on any credit cards or other debts you re carrying. Other people will generally understand. There s no point in paying more for the money you owe than you need to. Credit card companies do sometimes increase rates without what you would think of as a real reason. Make sure your interest rates haven t been climbing for no good reason.

If your rates are going up for no reason, and the company won t lower them, remember that there are plenty of options out there. Finally, know your own weaknesses. Remind the company of that too, and be prepared to follow up and find someone who will offer more reasonable terms. Do you fall for impulse purchases often? Do you love to eat out? Do you just love spending money?

If you know where your worst spending habits are, you can address them. Set a budget for those things you don t want to give up on completely. Find ways to keep from spending excessively in those areas that really don t work well for you. It s often harder to give something up completely than it is to find a way to enjoy it in moderation. There should be some room for fun in most budgets.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why Is It A Good Thing To Keep My Old Credit Cards Around

Category: Finance, Credit.

Some people believe that cancelling old credit cards is a good thing.

But how come when they check their credit score after they have cancelled those credit cards and closed their old accounts they only find that their credit score has actually gone down? A burden lifted off their shoulders. Was it not a good thing that they could get out of debt by paying off those old credit cards, and close them out so that they would not have to worry about those bills ever again? But cancelling old credit cards and closing those accounts will not. Actually, paying off your credit cards is a good thing, and it will improve your credit score. Should I keep my old credit cards, even if I' m not going to use them anymore?

Perhaps you feel that having so many credit cards is not healthy and will tempt you to spend money that you don' t have. Having old accounts is a good thing, even if they are inactive. If this is the case, it would be wiser for you to pay off and cancel your newer credit cards. Either way, having old accounts open will help your credit score to stay at a high level. That way you will still have the cards that provide proof of your lengthy credit history, and you do not have the temptation to get into debt that you cannot escape. If I close my old accounts, won' t it repair the negative records on my credit report?

Why? It does not really matter whether you pay off, and forget all, close out about your old credit cards, you are still going to have those negative records, such as late payments, on your credit report. Those mistakes can stay on your report for up to ten years, only time will, and honestly eventually erase them. Why is it a good thing to keep my old credit cards around? It is just better not to make those kind of mistakes in the first place, because closing the accounts that you paid late on will not make those mistakes go away. Having newer credit cards is beneficial because they may have better interest rates. But what about the old ones?

In a way you have a chance to start over at a smaller interest rate without suffering the consequences, like increased interest rates, of the late payments you have made on your old credit cards. Honestly, they can be more beneficial to you than the new credit cards, not necessarily when it comes to interest rates, but concerning your credit history. Cancelling these old credit accounts sort of erases the proof of your credit history, making you appear less experienced in the credit card realm, and therefore more likely to make late payments. Having an old credit card attests to your long and healthy credit history, and gives you more esteem because you have experience with credit cards. This appearance will obviously lead to a low credit score when you really deserve a higher one.